Let’s face it, with so much information available from the 100s of Dog Training books; the Internet and, let us not forget, the “expert” Neighbour or friend down the Pub, surely any Behavioural issue can easily be dealt with. With so many available opinions, one of them has to work.
So, why will it not surprise you to hear that most of our clients come to us having tried some or all of the above sources only to make things worse, even when the advice they acted on appeared to make sense?
The search for information is to be encouraged and we will never stop looking to add to our knowledge about the amazing World of Dogs and if you hear me say that I know everything, feel free to give me a “Get Real” slap!
The trouble with reading or asking about a specific behaviour is, that it is only about that behaviour. A bit like looking at the symptom and ignoring the cause.
When we visit a client we are looking at the whole picture, which is, amongst others: the people; the environment; the history; the food; the equipment in use. What else? Oh yes, the Dogs, knew there was something!
Seeing everything from an unbiased and detached point of view allows us to see things that the clients have not even considered and enables us to help the dogs, guide the people and make real progress.
Anyhow, I am going out for a ride on my new 1000cc Motorbike. I have read a book, looked at some videos and spoken to my mate who used to have a bike. Seems straight forward enough, glad I didn’t waste any money on lessons with a professional.
What can possibly go wrong?